Gum disease is a periodontal disease which occurs due to improper cleaning of mouth, teeth etc. But, it can be treated by a hygienist.
By keeping healthy teeth, gums can be protected from bacteria. Basically gums protect the base of the teeth with the help of soft tissues present between them. To keep the gums healthy, there are many precautions to be taken daily such as brushing with soft bristles, flossing, massaging the gums,choosing appropriate tooth paste, etc. If we are unable to maintain our oral hygiene, then there can be a chance of gum disease which can lead to tooth loss.
Gum disease is an infection of the soft tissues and the bone that supports the teeth. Mainly it is caused by the bacteria present in plaque called gingivitis which forms naturally on the teeth and gums. This bacteria will produce toxins which can lead to inflammation and swelling of gums. This effects the tooth and can cause tooth loss. The treatment to this damage can be done by a periodontal doctor or a hygienist.
Even conditions like pregnancy, malnutrition, scarves, sensitivity of tooth pastes can cause swelling of gums. There are three main types of gum diseases: gingivitis, periodontists and acute necrotic ulceration gingivitis.
Treatment for the gum diseases require thorough cleaning of the teeth and teeth roots through processes called ‘root planning’ and ‘submarginal curettage’. Both of these procedures are used to overcome gum infection or abscess. Many types of gum surgeries are there to treat gum diseases in which there is a necessary for significant teeth loosening, destruction of bone and teeth extractions.
Some of the treatments for gum diseases require to follow either surgical or non-surgical methods. Below are the surgical and non surgical treatments for gum diseases.
Surgical treatments:
Curettage, periodontal flap surgery, bone grafts, GTR (guided tissue regeneration), soft tissue grafts, gingivitis/angioplasty.
Non-surgical treatments:
Scaling and root planing, oral hygiene instructions, medications, splinting for mobile teeth, chloroplast for correcting any traumatic bite.
Though there are various treatment methods, based on the severeness of disease, the suitable methods will be chosen.