What are the Causes of Dental Infection?

A dental abscess is a condition which is caused due to the complication of dental infection. Bacteria that is present in plaque, infect the tooth and make their way into the tooth and then to the gums. This make the gums inflamed at the tissue surrounding the root of the tooth called periodontal ligament and can separate it from the base of the tooth. This separation of periodontal ligament from the root results in a tiny gap called periodontal pocket. As bacteria builds up in the periodontal pocket, periodontal abscess is formed.

There are two causes of dental infection.

1) Periodical abscess.
2) Periodontal abscess.

Periodical abscess:
Bacteria enters the tooth through tiny holes caused by tooth decay (caries) that form in the tooth enamel (hard outer layer of the tooth). Eventually, these caries break down dentin, the soft layer of tissue present under the enamel. In case the decay continues still inside the tooth, the bacteria will eventually penetrate in to the soft inner pulp of the tooth – infection of the pulp is called pulpits. This is known as periodical abscess.

Periodontal abscess :
Some food particles, acidic drinks which are remained in dead tissues present in your mouth can directly enter the once protected tooth pulp tissues or the area right below the tooth root. In case of decayed tooth, the tooth enamel is so weak that the food particles present in the mouth can deeply penetrate into the inner layers of the teeth and can lead to a tooth infection which inflame the flow of blood vessels around the tooth.

Patient will have the need to go to periodontists when the bacteria which is present in plaque infects the gums. Early treatment of infection will prevent further complications from taking place.