In the beginning or in the middle, after creating a template design for your website, you need to add content to your website. Content is the king as it attracts visitors and has the capability of bringing more traffic to your site.
Here are the 10 ways to add content to your website to attract visitors and search engines:
1) Write the content based on how the visitor think when searching about your product or service. It will help you to create useful information in your site.
2) The content that you write in your website should be understandable to all age groups. Avoid using complex words.
3) Credibility and the trust are the two factors which move your business forward. Use emotions in your content to convey the message. Emotions can definitely stop visitors to move to another site.
4) People never read the whole information which you provide. Provide the information in short phrases which should describe entire meaning.
5) Keep space between headings to differentiate. It will help visitors read your content comfortably without any hassle.
6) Use images only when you definitely need them but make sure that they support your message.
7) The content you provide should be natural and continuous. It should never break. Flow of information automatically stretches the readers’ mind to read full information.
8) Back ground color should allow the readers to read the text without any confusion and should not irritate the visitors. Use white as background color and text in black color.
9) Use better fonts for online scanning like Sans Seriff Fonts, Verdana, Aerial, etc.
10) Use simple navigation system in your website. The keywords you use for links should reflect the page you are going to.