How To Improve Work Force Productivity With Automation

Productivity means the quantity of output for one unit of input. And input can be equipment, capital, labor. Several ways are there to measure productivity. Suppose, productivity may be judged based on revenue generation of the job holder in service sectors and in production sectors like a factory, according to number of hours productivity may be judged.

Factors that affect the office productivity: There are four factors that are required to increase the productivity of office. They are access, comfort, privacy and flexibility.

A completely automated solutions: An electronic system was an easy choice and company needs a system which is designed for hourly hiring and that should satisfy following needs.

  • Job applications online with minimum standard questions
  • Design integrated assessments to finds the candidates who are best qualified.
  • To give more visibility into hiring process than analytical tools available to HR and branch managers.

Applicants have increased. Online candidates can apply 24/7 from home or public computer or online systems at the center of hiring.

Improved hiring productivity: With Securities, USA’s background check provider data is exchanged electronically which is populated by applicant and with in hours results are showed on the hiring management console before applicants can be assigned to a client and scheduled to a post we need to activate them in our company after hiring an applicant. The manager finishes the hiring work flows once, then the hire button appears and one click on that button makes the applicant as an employee.

Competitive differentiators: In office candidates used to spend 3 to 4 hours, but now less than one hour is taken for interview process.