How Much Co2 Do Humans Produce?

The regular usage of fossil fuels is as old as 1860s. Since then we have used billions of barrels of fossil fuel. This usage of fossil fuels is the major reason behind the success of industrialization; and now, though industrialization has shifted to information age, we are still relying on these fuels for some purpose or the other. And the past 20 years has been the major period in usage of fossil fuels; it is estimated that more than 50 percent of all fossil fuels ever used by humans were just consumed in the last 20 years itself. This usage of fossil fuels is still increasing rapidly and seems to have an ending point nowhere near 100 years. This rapid increase in fossil fuels is rapidly increasing the carbon dioxide levels in atmosphere. It is estimated that on an average, a person living on earth is contributing almost 1.4 metric tons of carbon per year. And around 85 percent of this contribution is from burning of fossil fuels like coal, natural gas and oil, including gasoline.