Court Says Random Drug Testing Unconstitutional

US constitution says that drug testing in schools is legal. When most of the states follow it, Washington Supreme Court says it is unconstitutional to conduct drug testing in schools.

The decision involved athletes who sued the Wahkiakum School District in 1999 after the district began requiring students to undergo urine tests if they wanted to participate in sports. If the tests indicated drug or alcohol use, the student was suspended from sports but wasn’t reported to police.

The officials of the school found that there are huge possibilities of student drug usage to succeed in the competitions. But the court said that it is no need to conduct a drug testing for a student when there’s no reason to suspect that the student is using drugs.

The drug usage in school children doesn’t result as bad affect in terms of competition. In case of national or international competitions, they have to be viewed in health perspectives. Think of it, we get a chance to test a kid, on whether he is using drugs or not, in only these situations. And if he is caught positive, we have high possibilities of taking measures to get him rid of the habit or addiction. Then I can’t understand why the Court is not able to look at it in this point of view.

Related Links:
Marijuana drug test
Drug testing kit
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