There are high possibilities of teens and adolescents having Drug addiction. The main factor which causes to them addicted to drugs is high levels of excitement and easily attractable nature, at that age.
Usual warnings signs of a child getting drug abused will be like suffering from serious depression, learning disability or eating disorder, or another such ill-mental health condition.
The most common reasons why a teen may turn to a drug abused are high stress, frequent boredom and possessing substantial amount of money to spend. And also could be the cases of not having proper parental guide or not having good friends circle. It is estimated that high stress teens are twice as likely as low stress teens to smoke, drink, get drunk and use illegal drugs. Also bored teens are 50 percent likelier to get drunk and use illegal drugs than not bored teens.
Parents must be sensitive to the stress in their children’s lives, understand why they are bored and limit their spending money. Also using drug test kits regularly helps parents to find out drug abuse in their children before they get addicted.
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Saliva drug test
Drug screening
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Drug testing kit
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