Your wedding date is coming closer and you have no time left to lose the weight as quickly as possible? Don’t worry you can lose your weight by practicing yoga. We all know that, the first thing comes in mind to lose a weight is dieting. This is also works perfect but it takes some time as well as if you starve or diet too much you will again gain weight. Still so many persons are applying this strategy to lose weight. However, if you are a person with too much weight and you wanted to lose weight before your wedding then you must do some yoga exercises.
As we all know that yoga offers many health benefits. There are many yoga postures which can be helpful to treat various diseases. Regular practice of yoga offers many health benefits ranges from numerous physiological benefits to psychological benefits. However, Bikram Yoga also known as Hot Yoga is one of the many types of yoga offered by yoga enthusiasts which will be great use for weight loss. Bikram yoga differs from many other yoga practices in its practice environment.
Bikram yoga is practiced in a heated room of temperature 1050F and 40% humidity. It comprises a sequence of 26 poses that are each performed twice during a single session and held for time. The heat involved in this yoga helps to relax muscles, thus allowing for deeper and more effective stretching. It detoxifies the body, improves the immune system by increasing the body’s core temperature, increases the heart rate and thins the blood for a better cardiovascular exercise.
The risks involved in this are: the temperatures used in this yoga can cause people to sweat, sometimes profusely, this can lead to undesirable results such as nausea, dizziness, muscle weakness and cramping.
Bikram yoga is an effective way to strengthen and tone muscles while increasing flexibility and endurance.