In most of the places of the world, the complimentary medicine system called acupuncture is used for healing a disease. This complimentary medicine system is also called as the traditional Chinese system.
Unlike using the drugs and medicines for treating diseases,this acupuncture uses needles. These needles are fine hair like structures. These needles are inserted at certain points which are situated on the energy channels called meridians. Each specific organ has a relation with one particular meridian. By inserting the needles at certain points, energy flow will be easy as the unblocking of the channels is done. This in turn helps in maintaining the balance of the body.
During the ancient times in China, nine different types of needles were used. Different types of needles are also used currently. But as of now, the most commonly used needle is the metal filiform. This needle looks like a thread. Stainless steel is used for preparing this needle. Sometimes even gold and silver needles are used in few cases.
The lengths and the diameters of the needles may vary according to the need. Current needles are very fine and the diameter varies from 0.12 mm to 0.35 mm. Compared to Japanese, Chinese use thicker needles. The length of the needles will range from 8 mm to 7 cm. The length up to which the needles are inserted will be from 2.3 mm to 2.5 cm into the body.
Depending on the disease, the time period varies. The time period can vary from seconds to days. There are even specific types of needles like three edged needles, intradermal needles, plum blossom needles apart from the filiform needles.