Importance Of Barcode Access Management

Barcode Access Management involves governing and monitoring of entrances and exits of persons in a facility or space within a facility. These systems are same as that of physical locks and keys, which are utilized, to access homes but rely on computer controlled locks and barcode readers to provide access. Barcode Access Management systems provide high security and enhanced reporting compared to manual systems.

Barcode Access Management systems generally consist of the following elements:

  • A Barcode or other analyzing media consists of an access number. Usually, this media can be an employee ID tag having the control or access number encoded or encrypted in form of a barcode.
  • Barcode Reader scans or reads the employee access number and reports to the access management software
  • Electronically administered locks and door sensors will provide the ability to lock and unlock the door or other physical obstruction or fence (gate, ramp, etc.) depending on electronic commands it receives from the management software. The lock will report the time and duration of entrance and exit to the barcode access management software.
  • Barcode Access Management Software saves the access control lists and reports to barcode readers and locks. It locks and unlocks access points in correspondence to the rules organized for each area and access number. The software saves all access information and provides powerful reporting of access activities.