Children Of Addicted Parents Are Greater Physical And Mental Health Problems

The study conducted by National Association for children of alcoholics, revealed the facts of the behavior of drug and alcohol addicted parents. Children exposed to parents who are addicted to illicit drugs are 2 to 3 times more likely to be mishandled or neglected.

Children of addicted parent’s expresses depression and depressive symptoms more number of times than children from non-addicted families. Children of addicted parents are more prone to have anxiety disorders or to exhibit anxiety symptoms. They are at high risk for high rates of psychiatric and psychosocial defects. They undergo greater physical and mental health problems and more health and welfare costs than children from non-addicted families.

Research has presented that children of addicted parents exhibit behavioral characteristics and a temperament style that inclines them to future depression or mental illness. In a segment of parents who extremely harm their children, alcohol abuse is particularly associated with physical maltreatment, where as cocaine relates to a specific relationship to sexual maltreatment.

It is considered that parental substance abuse and addiction are the main cause relatively for 70-90% of all child welfare spending.

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