Memory loss is of two types. Temporary and permanent memory loss. Generally, temporary loss is called as amnesia. Mostly, the aged people will get affected by amnesia. Sometimes, brain damages due to accidents will also lead to amnesia. General problem with amnesia that people face is they forget the current events. Due to this person will face a lot of problems. General amnesia is classified into two types. They are anterograde and retrograde. Anterograde is the case where the person can’t remember the new events where as the retrograde will make the person will forget the past events.
Some of the tips for controlling the amnesia are
- For improving the memory, use walnuts. Make the patient to eat 20 gms of walnuts daily.
- A good treatment for amnesia is the apple, as it is rich in minerals and vitamins. If you consume apple with a glass of milk and honey then it will also give good results.
- One can say the rosemary tea as the excellent memory enhancer. For getting the memory enhanced, drink this tea with a dash of lemon juice.
- For reducing the memory loss pepper powder mixed with honey will also give good results.
- Eat the foods which contain spinach, onions, broccoli, grapes, cabbage , plums which improve memory.
- Sugar also helps a lot in improving the memory.
- Use finely grounded pepper along with a tablespoon of honey, this will improve the memory.
- Even balanced diet also helps in increasing the memory.
- Yoga also helps in improving the memory. Make the patient to do yoga for enhancing the memory.
These tips will be helpful in increasing the memory of the patient who is suffering from amnesia, without consulting the doctor.