The Convenience of Saliva Drug Testing

Saliva drug test are becoming more convenient especially because of their low cost. Collecting the saliva is easier when compared to the collection of the blood or urine. Here this type of test is used for random accessing of the drug users.

Here the mouth pad is affixed which looks like the tooth brush but instead of brushes, the pad is used which is kept between the lower cheek and gum for about two minutes and then the pad is transferred to the collection vial and sent to the laboratory for testing.

The detection period is less when compared to the urine drug test; it is about 20 hours to 1 day. It is often proved as the effective type of drug screening. Detection of the drug in the saliva always starts from the immediate use of drug.

However, there are some disadvantages in using the saliva drug test. Some of the drugs will stay only for about twelve to twenty four hours in saliva.

Saliva test is becoming more popular in the United States. Around 20% of them are testing both the urine and the blood for drug abuse where as 30% of the people or the employers are using saliva drug test. The universities centre for Human toxicology said that the drug users are mostly analyzed using the saliva test which is done easily.

This test is mostly done in the cases like random screening, random testing, pre employment, post accident cases, etc.