Do Research on Online Shopping Before Purchasing from Unknown Company

Make purchases in companies which are known already. Before buying any product you find about company, the company is unfamiliar or not. Otherwise, start with inexpensive orders when you want to buy from unknown company then you can know the trustworthiness of the company.

Physical business address and at least one phone number and customer service or an order line should be advertised by reliable companies. To determine whether the company is legitimate or not, you can make a call and ask questions. You can ask about merchant’s return and cancellation policies and how it handles returned merchandise and complaints and you can find out whether full refunds are offered by it or only store credits.

You can find out about company through Better Business Bureau or a government consumer protection agency like the district attorney’s office or the Attorney General and in Internet yellow pages. Otherwise, you can determine through friends and family members who have purchased already.

You can search for customer reviews by investigating an online merchant. If there are multiple complaints about the company, you can avoid that.

Before purchasing, you should know about shipping policies of company and it’s fee details.

You can find out the delivery date of the item or product. You should review the merchant’s privacy policy which ensures that personal information is not shared by merchant and how personal information is used by them.

Things to be noted before purchasing:

  • To make a purchase don’t click the on links from spam emails. Don’t click on links in an email that was sent by unknown one.
  • To make sure that you are on correct web address, check the web address. You ensure that site is legitimate or not, after arriving at the site.