“What To Do” And “What Not To Do” In The Interview

In the interview process the interviewer must know about what to do and what not to do in the interview. This will helpsthe interviewer to conduct effective interview.

  • What to do: In the interview process the, interviewer must do the homework before the interview, and doing job analysis is also important in the hiring process. Reviewing the job description, and prepares some standard questions. The questions should be prepared based on past performance. Noticing that how well the candidate is responding to the questions and how the candidates are answering to those questions is important. The interviewer must observe the candidate behavior before, during, and after the interview. It is better to rate the candidate performance immediately. And it is better to provide the information about the company and job to the interviewee. Allow the candidate to talk more.
  • What not to do: While taking the interview it is better to check the federal laws, state laws and guidelines. Don’t ask questions about age, religion, religious customs, candidate’s credit history or financial situation, sex, gender, candidate’s membership in non-professional organization if any.